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Victory is on the Horizon

Can I be honest and vulnerable for a moment? Sometimes, whenever I read the word “Victory”, I find that I am met with somewhat conflicting emotions in my heart. At first glance, the word “Victory” fills me with excitement and feelings of empowerment, but truth be told, I tend to end up feeling overwhelmed, disheartened, and discouraged.

A decade ago, I began having mysterious episodes where I collapse and have temporary paralysis in my arms and legs followed by seizures. I eventually was told that I have an incurable disorder and recently became a wheelchair user.

Truth be told, there are days and seasons where it is so very easy to become drained and weary within my soul. I woke up one day 10 years ago and my life changed forever. There is a lot of grief and loneliness that comes with navigating disability.

Once I realize that this is how I’m feeling, it’s easy to think, “Well, none of that sounds like it describes a victor, so what am I?”. When life is continually marked by pain, how do we find the strength to hold up the banner of “victor”? There is so much about “victory” that can seem really challenging whenever we are in the thick of our circumstances.

Whenever we are tired, weary, and at the end of our strength, it can feel like we just don’t have any fight left inside of us. In and of itself, the essence of victory implies a battle, extremely hard work, winning, and overcoming. Lord, I don’t know how much more strength I have?

I’m going to take a moment and guess that, even if you and I have different circumstances today, that there is probably something in your life that is making you feel drained and weary too.

Maybe you too are in the middle of a circumstance that seems to be weighing so incredibly heavy on your heart and that word “victory” adds even more weight instead of making you feel like you can soar. Before we move any further, I want you to know that you’re not alone. Together we are going to look at what the Victory of Jesus can really look like in our lives.

I’m going to guess that there is probably something in your life that is making you feel drained and weary but we can have victory in Jesus!

The very first struggle and road block that we come to whenever we are thinking about victory is that sometimes, we can get so caught up in our own efforts. We end up striving to fight a battle that was never ours to fight in the first place. This does not mean that we are to live passive lives, but I know I am not the only one who always tries to do all the heavy lifting. The truth is…

We do not have unlimited strength, but He does.

We do not have unlimited resources, but He does.

We do not what tomorrow holds, but He does.

We are not sovereign, but He is.

We get so caught up in the striving, but Scripture tells us, “And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians who you see today, you shall never see again. The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” (Exodus 14:13-14, ESV).

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30, ESV).

If we want to walk in the victory that Jesus has purchased for us, we must first have a relationship with Him. He graciously and lovingly invites us to come and lay our burdens, our struggles, our weaknesses, and our weariness down at His feet. He did all the heavy lifting at the cross.

In His death, burial, and resurrection, He purchased for us the ultimate victory of having a restored relationship with God for eternity. With that, we have access to all that He is, and He desires to fight for you.

Ultimately, we know that victory is on the horizon because Jesus is where we are running too!

He gives us the strength to keep going when we don’t know what tomorrow holds.

He gives us peace whenever everything around us feels so crushing. Walking in His victory doesn’t mean that everything is wonderful. Victory is often preceded by long and arduous battles with heavy losses. There is grieving, pain, challenges, and changes, but there is also victory.

He has already won and the power that rose Jesus from the grave is the same power that is able to strengthen you and encourage you where you are right now. We can hold the banner of victor even in our most difficult moments because we can look forward and know He has already won the victory.

Your friend,


Cassidy's website is a place for women to come, be encouraged, and find community. You can learn more and get involved at

You can also find her encouraging words on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube




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