5 Ways to Increase Your Belief in God’s Goodness

Over the last 14-15 months, we have all been on a wild ride.
Crazy political races. Court cases. Virus scares. Vaccines. Lockdowns. Civil unrest. Chaos.
It's easy to lose hope and to lose heart!
But all hope is not lost! God is not finished yet! He is still at work and still doing amazing things in, with, and for His people!
Someone needs to be reminded of this today...
"If you woke up this morning, God still has a plan for your life!!" (Adrian Rogers)
So, be encouraged today... God can still use you. He can still do amazing things for, in, and with you.
You may think it's too late...
Too hard,
Too much,
Or you are past your prime,
Maybe you feel you have made too many mistakes,
Or you have nothing to offer,
Or God has passed you over.
NONE of these things are true!
My friend Barbara had terrible back issues a couple of years ago. She could do nothing but lay on the couch and pray. Her pain was unbearable at times, but she did not lose heart.
Instead, she believed God still had a plan and purpose for her life. So, she asked God to use her in spite of her back issues.
People began to call and ask if they could come to see her. They would bring food and flowers and then pour out their hearts. They would cry and share. She would listen, offer hope, and pray for them.
For months, Barbara ministered to people while lying flat on her back - in pain!
If God can use my friend Barbara, He can use you too!
Today, I want to challenge you to believe the words of this popular song from Elevation Worship,
"If I'm not dead, then You're not done!
Greater things are still to come!
Oh, I believe.”

How do you keep up your hope, even when things feel hopeless?
How do you strengthen your faith when it is feeling flimsy?
Here are 5 ways to bolster your faith and increase your belief in God’s goodness:
First, pray like you never have before.
Really pray. Take time daily, or several times a day, and talk to God.
Journal your concerns.
Prayer walk.
Take a drive and pray.
Get alone and talk to God.
Pray with friends and family.
Second, open the Bible and read about the faith of others.
If you aren’t sure where to begin, start in the Psalms.
King David penned his prayers in so many of the Psalms.
As you read of his ups and downs, you will be encouraged.
Third, begin to praise God.
Praise and worship increase my faith like nothing else I do.
In fact, I regularly turn up the praise music and sing along.
You can’t live in doubt and sing in faith at the same time. It’s just not possible.
So, start praising God. You will experience exponential growth in your faith life.
Fourth, get around some others who are walking in faith.
Whether in church, Bible study, community groups, or even with a friend or two, we can be inspired as we spend time with people of faith.
Their faith will uplift our faith.
As the world opens back up, I encourage you to have at least one time each week where you spend time with people of faith.
Finally, fill your mind with stories of faith.
Perhaps you like to listen to the radio or to podcasts. Make sure some of these infuse your faith with hope.
Also, you will be encouraged as you read books, blogs, and great stories of faith.
Do all you can to load up on materials that will cause you to trust God more!
"Trusting God's plan is the only secret I know in the gentle art of not freaking out."
Lysa TerKeurst
Melanie is the encourager and hope spreader at Ministry of Hope. You can find out more about Melanie & her ministry at www.melanieredd.com.
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